Friday 5 October 2012

Today's Workout...

My workouts vary on how I feel on the day, some days I'll hunt down a crossfit workout and find VERY helpful! Plus most workouts are under 30mins and high impact for AMAZING results... GREAT for mums with little time...
Some days I use my Nike fitness app to pick out area focused workouts thr mix strength and cardio...
Mainly, most days, I will do strength workouts of some sort. This is where you focus on strengthening and shaping your muscles, rather than specifically trying to lose weight...
However, I do have days where I do cardio. I power walk my dog most days between 3 and 5 miles, and today I got out on a run for the first time in a long time...
Runs are great, and I found a great pin (yeah yeah I'm an AVID Pinterest fan ha), that gives total beginners instructions on how to work up to running 30 mins without stopping...
I'll post the link one day if anyone is interested...
Every now and again I'll do yoga/Pilates, but to be honest, having a 3 year old and OCD means I tend to get irritated when trying to be 'calm and peaceful' for that long :-)
That and quite often I end up thinking about my next cup of black coffee...

Today's Workout.

- 12 jump squats
- 10 standard squats
- 10 lunges on each leg
- 30 hip raises
- 50 fast paced squeezes at top of hip raise
- 12 hip raises with opposite leg lifted on each leg
- 25 (excuse me for not knowing the technical name) on all fours lift one leg up and kick with flat foot up to the ceiling then back down... Do 25 on each leg...
- 30 second plank
- 50 standard sit-ups

I then grabbed the dog and went for a run. It was my first run in a while, so consisted of the following...

-Power Walk 2-3mins
-Run 2mins
-Power Walk 1min
-Run 2mins
-Power Walk 1min
-Run 3mins
-Power Walk 4mins

I know this isn't much to the advanced runner or advanced body builders out there, but listen, I'm a relatively normal human being... I sometimes only have the odd 10-30min slots to excercise and that's if I'm lucky...
It's not about how much you do, it's about having the balls and willpower to feel tired, drained, crazy etc and still think to yourself that doing a little is better than sitting doing nothing at all!

Took the dog for another walk this evening too...

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